Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thoughts As They Came…iii

To avoid dust
I shut the window
Light too stays away.


Heart’s cries can be heard
Only by another heart
Will mind ever permit?


Being with you
And keeping you in dark
How will I get the light…



  1. Messages in each one of these short poems. Reality in each one of them. The thinking is deep and the message is profound. I loved each one of these little nuggets that are cleverly worded.

    Thanks for your visit at my blog and joining my other readers. I like your blog too and I shall be following you.

  2. Enjoyed reading it. I liked the first one the most. :)

  3. 1) Yes, if you'll try to reach high some force constantly pulls you down, but you still reach your destination. That's determination
    2) Practicality redefined.
    3) It answers itself like all the others.

  4. Thanks a lot, Prabhu..and Chandrika..
    Welcome to my world of thoughts.. Loved your comments..

    And Rajat.. you continue to amaze me.. your determination is infectious..
