Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Moonbeam Curls Like a Tendril..

My 694th Post..

Written for

Tendril, Pulsate, Drab

Moonbeam Curls Like a Tendril..

Moonbeam curls
like a tendril
around my fragile dreams
giving them a glow
in an otherwise
drab illusion of
a brighter reality...
Hey, can't you feel
the moments pulsating
and captivating
you in the words here
which have just flowed
and now you know
it's not a drab illusion
but a brighter reality
that moonbeam curls
like a tendril
around my fragile dreams..


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Warm Hearts Rescue Me..

Written for
Sunday OSI : 2013
Saturday Haiku Heights:Rescue
shared with Haiku My Heart..
Warm Hearts Rescue Me..
Cold winds of Panjab
hit me hard and  I shiver;
warm hearts rescue me
Warm hearts rescue me;
two thousand thirteen gifts a
happy visit home...
Happy visit home;
ah, winter flowers dance in 
cold winds of Panjab 

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Clear Sky

Sunday OSI : Retirement
Saturday Haiku heights: Disk
Today Friday for Haiku My Heart
A Clear Sky
Ah, crescent
shines gloriously;
a clear sky
A clear sky;
stars try to make an
on mind is blurred;
dusk descends
Dusk descends;
mind begins to plan
Retirement -
I wipe out the word;
heart renews
Heart renews
as light filters through;
ah, crescent
Ah, crescent
shines gloriously;
a clear sky..

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sun Rises..

One Single Impression -Sunday: Naked
Haiku Heights - Saturday: Death
Today , Friday for Haiku My Heart..
Death itself
is a naked truth;
Sun rises 
Sun rises;
she dances amidst
dry leaves..

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

When Love Arrives...


When Love Arrives...

A pair of vacant eyes
Stay focused
on the blank wall
No, they don't give expression
Neither when the dark
Pictures of past scare
Nor when the bright
Dreams of future dance
But then they become alive
When love arrives
Ah, they recognise
Their only hope....


Friday, January 4, 2013

Time to Talk to Soul

Written for
One Single Impression -Sunday
Haiku Heights - Saturday
Today , Friday for Haiku My Heart..
Time to Talk to Soul
In silence of night
I sit on the edge of lake;
silent Moon looks on...

Silent Moon looks on;
my heart too becomes silent;
time to talk to soul ..
Time to talk to soul;
darker words splatter themselves
on dark sheet of sky
On dark sheet of sky
stars unfold script of  peace & joy,
earth  reads happily 

Earth reads happily;
I sit on the edge of lake
in silence of night