Friday, October 30, 2015

He Touches Her Dreams..

Haiku for  Haiku My Heart - Friday

and Haiku Horizons: Sunday

He Touches Her Dreams..

She smells morning Sun
and sees aroma of the rose;
he touches her dreams..

He touches her dreams,
hears rocks on the beach talk;

he and she often find Moon
melting in the Sun..

Melting in the Sun
to get frozen in the snow;
glorious hilltops..

Added for Haiku Horizons.. Monday 2nd November, 0006 hrs..

glorious hilltops;
cherishing nature's best
she forgets herself

She forgets herself;
a poem appears in the sky
along with his smile


Monday, October 26, 2015

Oceanic storms - Haiku..

Written for Haiku Horizons..
First haiku is from my archives and around that I weave the story..

Oceanic storms;
dark circles
under her eyes


Under her eyes
I see some stories written;
illegible hand

Illegible hand;
loose notes hide in the box
under her bed

Under her bed;
a whole world where fairies
of her dreams dance


Friday, October 23, 2015

She Stands Confident

Written for Rebecca's Haiku My Heart.. Friday..

She Stands Confident

She stands confident;
highest point in dark space of
her own inner depths


Her own inner depths;
illumination by a
mere thought of his light...


Mere thought of his light
dims every doubt in her mind;
she stands confident

Or it can also be... depends...

He Stands Confident

He stands confident;
highest point in dark space of
his own inner depths


His own inner depths;
illumination by a
mere thought of her light...


Mere thought of her light
dims every doubt in his mind;
he stands confident


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Morning Quietly Creates Its Own Pictures.. Haiku

Haiku Horizons Prompt: Silent

Also shared with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart...

Glorious sunrise;
trees silently wait for winds
to hear naughty songs

Silent sunbeams those;
morning quietly creates
it's own  pictures

Afternoon sizzles;
birds are silent in their cool
well weaved strong nests

Ah, evening descends;
silent stars write script of joy,
earth happily reads


Silent moon looks at
her reflection in the lake;
she sits on the edge

Sound of his flute
flows through the silent night;
her anklet tinkles..


I am happy  creating this. Hope you feel good too..

Monday, October 12, 2015

Grounded Happiness!!!

Written for Haiku Horizons... prompt Over
shared with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart..

Grounded Happiness

His merciless reign
over her meaningless thoughts;
ah, obsessed she

Ah, obsessed she;
I give her a makeover to
let her see Moon smile

Let her see Moon smile
as stars spill over the night;
she opens her wings

She opens her wings,
flies over a sky of doubts;
grounded happiness

Grounded happiness
wins over the rootless flights;
her eyes roll wet pearls


Saturday, October 3, 2015


For Rebecca's Haiku My Heart 
and Haiku Horizons... prompt : Storm

Inspired by Rebecca's Haiku


With her hair flying
she jumps to catch the pink fruit;
wind storm lashes out


Wind storm lashes out,
humble tree lets some fall;
ripe pomegranates..


Ripe Pomegranates;
she plucks crystal juicy seeds
lovingly for him


lovingly for him
she picks some pink guava too;
ripe pomegranates


ripe pomegranates;
he fondly remembers those
trees in his garden


trees in his garden
tell stories of his childhood;
she finds them juicy


she finds them juicy;
sadly those trees no more grow
ripe pomegranates


ripe Pomegranates;
she plucks crystal juicy seeds
lovingly for him
