First a Haiku here... for JPP..
Just a crack in the clouds, lo,
Sun peeps, and Earth smiles..****
Love and Its Not Being There....
Love and its not being
There; hey, become love and be
Always there and hereEasier said than done
I know it is difficult
But then not
So very difficult too
I will just have to be,
Accepting everyone around
Without trying to find
My own reflection in them
Instead letting those all find
There reflection in me
Are you asking
What would happen
To me then, oh, I will become
Water, just flowing
Transparent and clear
All embracing
Indeed, that means ‘ Being Love’
But, it’s ‘Being in Love’That makes one wonder
Now, when I know this
A tall order that
How can I try to be God
No, I am born a human
With all feelings and emotions
So, a situation when Love is not being there
Indeed makes me sad….
But then the fact
LOVE IS.. makes me happy..
By : RS : )