Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thanks Haiku Heights.. Goodbye Haiku

Thanks a lot 
Haiku Heights..

Haiku Heights Badge

Ah, Sun loses 
a bit of its shine;
Moon turns a dot


Moon turns a dot;
I look out of the window;
trees are silent


Trees are silent
as winds carry songs no more;
He says goodbye


He says goodbye;
And my eyes happily spill 
some sad haiku..


Some sad haiku;
Thanks a lot Haiku Heights for
three years of love..



  1. I was surprised as I read your comment at Carpe Diem Ramesh. What a sad idea that Leo is stopping with Haiku Heights, his weblog will be missed ...
    If you want to participate in Carpe Diem you''re welcome, feel free and share your wonderful haiku with us all at Carpe Diem.
    I (try) to publish every day on Carpe Diem. Every day another prompt/theme in the linking tool you can link your haiku to Carpe Diem. It''s very much the same as at Haiku Heights. Every prompt/theme (some exceptions of course) stays on for submissions for almost 48 houres. If you''re to late to link up? Write your link into the comments field of the episode on which you will share and I will link you to the linky widget.
    By the was ... this post is really a wonderful tribute to Haiku Heights and his founder Leo. Thank you for sharing.

  2. A beautiful tribute to Leo ....and yes very sad that Haiku Heights has ended.I hope someone else takes it over. Keep in touch Ramesh !
