Ochre Spilled..
A cluster of dark clouds
Teased and grilled
Oh, dear, dear! Rainbow cried
And lo! Ochre spilled..
Ah! Bodily Desires...
Spirit hovers around
Somewhere afar
Quietly gathering all the dust
Hey, bury the body deep
Under the layers of ochre
Let it not rust..
Original Sunday Post
When I visited the OSI page yesterday night, I got inspired to try writing something not only using 'Ochre' but also all the other prompts from the time I got acquainted with this wonderful source of inspiration..hope you will find it interesting..do let me know if I succeeded in this effortless endeavor..
An Ounce of Melted Ochre
Wasn’t it me sitting cringed
In a darker corner
Of an oubliette
In my own inner space
Created out of imaginary walls
Behind which the light hid
Without giving cognizance
To all that surrrounded me
As I thought of seeking help
From the waxed wings of Icarus
To take a flight
From that opening
Where mind was open
Just a little enough
To float through
And reaching out to
A newer dawn, where
Love reigned
I did not find my thoughts
Trembling with fear
No fissures appeared in my resolve
I knew from the core of my heart
That the newer world would be
A Stranger, an enigma
Wearing an invisible mask
For my untouched spirit
That craved to get insulated
Against rust of impurity and ignorance..
Will a coating of
An ounce of melted Ochre be enough
Only if I can know
I would seek God’s soothing hands
For a smooth healing touch
Yes, One thing is certain
God always willingly joins
In any effort being made
To make the spirit spotless
Even if one is vicariously tilted
Towards the world that beckons..