Written for
Highlight, Submit, Instruct
First, a Haiku
Sunlight highlights shades
as a mark of submission;
ature instructs
Nothing Extra-Ordinary About It
God's one line instruction
for me had been simple:
" Highlight all that is
good in others;
Don't submit to
Your own temptations.."
And I did what
All the ordinaries do
I highlighted
My own perceived strengths
And started submitting
to my own temptations
Then one day as I stood
In front of the mirror
I couldn't recognise myself
That's when the false layers
Got pealed one by one
And I realised my follies..
I started highlighting
All that was good in others
And never submitted
to any temptations
I was able to clearly
recall God's instructions
You want to know
How did I do that?
Well, I just blocked
all the external noise
And that's when God spoke
loud and clear once again
Well, I heard him this time
Realised, understood,
Made a clear choice and
The shift happened spontaneously
Had I taken time to decide
I would have remained ordinary
As you see my decision
To hear God just for
One more time carefully
Changed things for me
And you can see now I am
Ha, nothing extra-ordinary
About it..you know..