Sunday, September 12, 2010

HH : Appreciation, OSI : The Passing

Written for Haiku Heights Prompt: Appreciation

Stars sing lullabies and
Sun sleeps, Moon shines brighter in

Written for OSI Prompt: The Passing

The Passing of Ordinaries

The Passing of King Arthur-
Documented; for he was the King,
What about yours and mine
Who would remember
We won’t have a Tennyson
Nor are we myths, who
Need to be explored
By the inquisitive, we are ordinaries or
So why should we be different
But then, why should we not be…
Why our passing cannot be
Worth documenting

And if it could be made different
From lying on a pyre
And becoming a part of flames
Making it all pure and pious
Or sleeping for eternity in the
Arms of God, buried deep
In to the warmth of Earth
Then, those connected
With us in spirit and heart
May love to talk about
The inevitable event – The Passing
For years to come
But then, what could it be -

Smoothly sailing in a boat
In to the sunset
Or climbing up the icy hills &
Turning in to statues of ice, whom
No Sun will be able to melt
Or getting wings and soaring
In to the blue skies
And settling as one among
The fraternity of stars
Or simply vanishing like a vapor
To return as a raindrop
Carrying hope of becoming
A part of the vast deep ocean

Or quietly lying
On a surgeon’s table
Permitting exploration
Of the inner space, so that
Some others can live more..
And indeed it would be
An icing on the cake
If the poet in us separates itself
Quietly and stays back
In the thoughts of
A chosen one to document
The Passing…
Whichever way it passes

Ah! As it always happens
I can see God reading my thoughts
And smiling… yes,
Unknowingly, I have trespassed
In to his space…
And now I await punishment..


  1. A great poem - especially the last stanza.

  2. We are, indeed, ordinaries. And we are beautiful. I love what you have done here.

  3. Incredible Haiku! Very nice poem as well.


  4. There's a lot of lovely imagery in this one. Nicely done!

  5. Oh my God Sir.... This one is like... too beautiful... Some lines are seriously magical...

    Turning in to statues of ice, whom
    No Sun will be able to melt...
    And settling as one among
    The fraternity of stars
    Or simply vanishing like a vapor
    To return as a raindrop
    Carrying hope of becoming
    A part of the vast deep ocean...

    Loved it.
    God bless.

    And I do believe in You. The passing is indeed much more than what we think it is...

  6. Passing by eachother, day and night, getting close, yet too far from eachother ... a great Haiku about nature and its content. Please have a good Monday.

    daily athens

  7. Loved the progress, and message you convey - and a beautiful message it is! The Passing, etched in stone, to be relived forever, or a flickering candle that extinguishes in a gust of wild, ruthless wind.. is the question you put up, a question that is the ultimate inspiration for so many - the blessed ones like King Arthur and his entourage, the credible knights, and the ordinary, and not-so-ordinary Us.. A wonderful take on the OSI prompt, this week.

  8. Stunning words! I especially loved these lines:

    Or getting wings and soaring
    In to the blue skies
    And settling as one among
    The fraternity of stars
    Or simply vanishing like a vapor
    To return as a raindrop
    Carrying hope of becoming
    A part of the vast deep ocean

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful words.

  9. but we have our family to share to the next generation our lives :-)

    i love the haiku too.

  10. Pyaara Dost,
    Good Evening!
    When the stars light up the sky tonight,my face will shine due to your words of appreciation.Thank you so much for your encouraging words for my posts.I enjoy your sincerity and your presence make a lot of difference.:)
    God will bless you, dear!
    Wishing you a beautiful and peaceful night,

  11. We all make our mark one way or another! Beautiful take on "The Passing."

  12. There is so much wisdom in your words. A wonderful approach to the prompt. We are all kings and queens in our own way, making our mark upon the lives and hearts of our families and even strangers. The last lines are marvelous though I think He understands that we are naturally inquisitive for He made us :)

  13. a different but interesting approach to this...!

  14. Love the idea of a personified moon in your haiku! And the second poem is a wonderful, reflective wondering on that inner voice that longs to leave a lingering mark of being!

  15. Thanks a lot, friends for your emboldening spurs me on..

  16. Liked icing on the cake.

    Wonderful flow.

  17. I really enjoyed your haiku and your OSI poem as well...nicely written here.

  18. the OSI poem is simply great...a lot of flow and rhythm...beautiful thoughts: aren't we all curious about the reaction to our death!
    The last line...why punishment?

  19. Loved the Sun, Moon and stars serenading one another. Beautiful poem!!

  20. Beautiful Imagery created by the sun, moon and stars in your lovely poem Rameshji.

  21. Your 3WW link is bad. I took it down, but couldn't find your contribution. MAke sure the link is correct and resubmit, please.

  22. I am smiling...for trespassing God's space... :)

    Beautiful poem as always Ramesh!

  23. But more than that, I love the idea of stars singing lullabies, sun sleeps, moon smiles...:)

    you truly are so poetic! :)

  24. "Stars sing lullabies" brilliant imagery! And the last stanza of your poem is amazing...

  25. I really enjoyed reading the your OSI Passing poem. As I read it I was thinking, now God has a plan for this. Is Remesh, i.e. the author, presupposing God?
    You wonderfully wrote the answer to my question lingering in the background. YES.
