Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Card Up Destiny's Sleeve..

Written for

Prompt: Lump

A Card Up Destiny's Sleeve..

I looked at the 
tall dark lines of the buldings
through my hopeful eyes
and the straight stretch
of road passing through
with dim lights pouring
out of old lamp posts
I could see millions of
my footprints there
some laughing , some sad
some jumping with joy
some crying hidden
behind their own shadows..
the stretch won't
be able to have any more
of my foot-prints
as the destiny had played
a card up her sleeve
which I always thought
was in my hands
But that's how we, the mortal
humans play at her hands
often wondering...
A lump in my throat
suddenly made my eyes wet
No, there was none to see
and I wondered did
the stones around
had any feelings...
did they too have lumps
in throats whenever
they witnessed dreams 
turned into smoke
going up a chimney
which wasn't coughing
anymore for years now
and a question flashed
in my untiring mind
where thoughts often
danced in different
attires to myriad notes
of soulful music -
did the invisible
smoke of dreams
ever turn into clouds
keen to rain somewhere
making the soil fertile
to grow newer dreams..
I know the answer
Yes, they do...


An attempt in Haiku Format too..

Invisible Footprints..

My happy footprints
are ready to fade away;
None will really know

None will really know,
visible only to me;
a lump in my throat..


Friday, July 27, 2012

Hey, Forget-Me-Not!!!

Just  Haiku...

Written for Leo's Haiku Heights..

Prompt:  Forget-me-not

Hey, forget-me- not
my helpless past cries out loud;
I live in the 'Now'..


Thursday, July 26, 2012

I Am With Myself...

Written for Rebbeca's
Haiku My Heart..

I Am With Myself..

I look straight and reach
where magical green meets grey;
Ah, white flowers bloom

Ah, white flowers bloom,
tree holds the bunch pretty tight;
strong winds come laughing

Strong winds come laughing
as I find raindrops wash my face;
Eyes close on their own

Eyes close on their own
as rain gains ferocious speed;
No, I don't see red

No, I don't see red
happy colours shine in black;
world has vanished..

World has vanished;
fully drenched in water
I am with myself..

I am with myself;
oh, please God let me be here
melting with the rain..


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Written for

Prompts.. Cut, Endanger, Hazard..


Cut throat competition
between my own desires and wishes
each one wants to be
fulfilled first..
pushing and pulling
to stay on top of my list
how hazardous my
thoughts can be for
any of them at any moment...
well I am happy that still
they are not endangered species
and keep arriving in
small bundles everyday
It only shows that
I am fully alive
and life too is beautiful..


In a Haiku fromat...

Deep cut on my heart;
ah, trust can be a hazard,
endangering 'I'..


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ah, Success!!!.

Written for OSI

Thanks to Gautami Tripathy

Prompt : Niche

Ah, success!!!

Use and throw -
his niche to climb up;
lonely top

Lonely top;
he wears many masks

old mirror knows all
so does he

So does he
about each dark spot 
ah, success

ah, success
his niche to climb up-
use and throw..


Friday, July 20, 2012

He Plays Flute..

Happy 2nd Anniversary

 Leo's .

Celebratory Haiku from RS

Low spirits;
hey, find solace in
Haiku Heights..

Haiku heights;
 a whole new world of
happy minds..

Happy minds;
meaningful  connects
of comfort


Now Haiku for the week..

He plays flute

Morning finds
meaning in sunrise;
he plays flute


he plays flute;
breeze carries love notes
for her ears..


also shared with 
Haiku My Heart

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3WW - A Haiku..

Written for 3ww...

A Haiku..

Prompts.. feel, tangle, shade..

Hot sun and cool shade
never tangle in a conflict;
messengers of peace...


Friday, July 13, 2012

My Six Hundredth Post... Seeking Blessings..!!!!

My Six Hundredth Post...

Written for Haiku Heights

One Single Impression

Shared with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

My six hundredth post
I think of my first haiku,
first haiku teacher

First haiku teacher-
Leo of loving haiku heights;
where nature dances

My first haiku...... here... reproduced written with Leo's guidance on syllables..

Colourful fields;
Flowers chase butterflies
Trees around laugh


Special on Haiku Heights...where they were born..

Trees around laugh
visible footprints of lovers,
Eleph and the Ant..

Eleph and Ant
rest in cosy environs
seven seas away...


Written for OSI and HH
prompt: Friend and First

Dance of Nature..

Dance of nature
as I remember first friend
my darling mother

My darling mother
and unconditional love;
Gods rain blessings 

Gods rain blessings
I am quietly waiting for
rain drops to fall

Rain drops to fall
ah, child in me has kept a
paper boat ready..

Paper boat , rainbows
butterflies, Moon, flowers;
all my favourites

All my favourites;
friends from hundred countries bless
My six hundredth post..


Well thanks to everyone of my this delightful lovely space.. ..
Never knew such would be the inspiration after starting on November 14, 2009...

Thanks to 

Green Remains Thirsty..

Written for Rebecca's
Haiku My Heart....

Green Remains Thirsty..

Neither the sun shines
nor are falling any rains;
I go for my walk..

I go for my walk;
some raindrops fall on my face
surprising me, oh..

Surprising me, oh
nothing much happens really;
green remains thirsty..

Green remains thirsty;
I hear the thunder of clouds,
my music of hope..


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ego Impacts Love..

Written for 3WW
Differ, Halt, Imagine

Ego Impacts Love..

She differs with him,
he halts himself in his tracks;
ego impacts love..

Ego impacts love;
he is happy living with
his imagined truth

His imagined truth;
 she quietly  lives in her


Monday, July 9, 2012

Nature's Ornaments..

Written for Tackle It Tuesday by Chèvrefeuille

Colours of life grow;
man and earth join hands to draw
happiness painings..


A house gets
nature's ornaments;
Happy gifts


Sunday, July 8, 2012

It Will Rain Somewhere....

Written for One Single Impression

Prompt : Baloon
( Thanks Harshadji for the prompt..)

Red baloon;
blowing air with force
I turn blue..


As a curious child
I would look at Moon
and often think
It was a shining baloon

My eyes would wander
looking for a hanging thread
But then I grew-up
and learnt the truth instead..


I  draw smiles and smiles 
on a baloon and release it;
It will rain somewhere..


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ah, A Lifeline That!

Written for

Prompt: Vital

Not able to see Moon,
can't tell clouds also  to go;
helplessness hits me..


I express myself
 in three lines writing haiku;
Ah, a lifeline, that!


Indeed haiku shines
at HH and HMH;
very vital links..

Shared with HMH too i.e.
Haiku My Heart..

Friday, July 6, 2012

Arrogance Melts Too..

Written for Rebecca's
Haiku My Heart..

Arrogance Melts Too
(chained free haiku..)

I look up with hope
at a big black group of clouds;
dark skies laugh at me

Dark skies laugh at me
yet, obligingly give rains;
arrogance melts too

Arrogance melts too
as puddles of water grow;
she floats paper boat

She floats paper boat
carrying forbidden dreams;
ah, smoke without fire

Ah, smoke without fire,
rain too gets a  lot stronger;
I look up with hope..
