Saturday, August 7, 2010

OSI Prompt : connoisseur

Painting of My Life

Oh, it took me
Thousands of hours to
Make a painting
Of my life
Splashing black and white
On the canvass
Redoing, rehashing
And finally getting tired
Leaving it to its fate
I hung it on the wall
Of my inner space, a wall
Prepared with
Priceless gifts of bricks & bats
Thrown at me, by adversaries
And decorated with smiling
Bouquets & flowers
Received on the way from
Friends, allies & aliens alike
She came, she stood
She saw, she wondered
She contemplated
She thought
And finally, she exclaimed
“Wow, this is fantastic!”
She had spotted bright days
In the black and
An occasional scary night
Here and there in the white
Ah, a real connoisseur of art, she!
No she didn’t bother about
The wall that exuded
Mysterious unease;
Over many years now
She has been adding colours, and
Improving the painting
Of my life and I don’t intervene
Because I keep myself
Busy collecting bricks and bats
And myriad ornamental decorations
Because wall too needs
Constant touch & renovation..


  1. Awesome.. you are lucky to find the real connoisseur. Without her, the painting would have had not found it's true worth.

  2. your words are like a rainbow ...well said!

  3. She contemplated
    She thought
    And finally, she exclaimed
    “Wow, this is fantastic!”


  4. This is sweet. Liked the concept a lot:)

  5. ah.. how lucky to find the right connoisseur..!

  6. An excellent metaphor in this.
    Mine, too, is a work in progress.

  7. Awesome metaphor in this poem! The poem keeps a smooth rhythm to it as well! Great post!


  8. A group effort sometimes brings the best to completion. Nicely written.

  9. A work in progress! I really enjoyed this poem!

  10. this is great!

    i was carried away with your words! and i admire your take on my prompt! thanks!

    ourselves are priceless arts where others may admire or not, but only connoisseurs can do so!

  11. Lovely Sir....
    God bless your connoisseur...

  12. Fantastic! Loved your words=D

  13. it is fantastic, because it is yours!

  14. That was really sweet sir! you've treated the prompt really well :)

  15. That was wonderful! How amazing when we find a connoisseur to be an expert in US! Have a wonderful week!

  16. Ramesh,this is an excellent poem on the growth of ones inner soul. A love story of sorts. it is both uplifting and beautiful.


  17. A fantastic, beautiful poem! Loved the ending, she and he both continuing the beautification project...

  18. Dear all,

    Thanks to all of you for your constant inspiration.. If God be on our and encouragement awaits at every turn..God has been truly kind with have made me connected with you in this space...

  19. Nice, Ramesh. Did he marry the connoisseur? She was a big help in him seeing his life like it was.

  20. pyaara dost,
    good evening!
    How simple your words are,
    But how strong and positive they are1
    God is always kind to those,
    Who have goodness in minds.
    Lucky you are to find the right connoisseur!
    Blessed are bot of you!
    A wonderful tribute to your beloved!:)
    Wishing you a lovely night,

  21. A sense of humility and loving devotion applied to the “unglamorous” everyday maintenance of life. It takes a connoisseur to notice and appreciate the beauty in this. Your poems are infused with such gracious light.
