Written for Rebecca's
Haiku My Heart..
Thanks to Rebecca for having permitted me to pick the theme
and a line from her post Brave Intuitive You... here's how I got
inspired from the post and paintings..
Painted Haiku Shines..
Soul is singing;
her heart and mind join hands to
paint happiness
Paint happiness
on the canvas of mind's sky;
symphony of colours
Symphony of colours
tempts to get caught in the maze;
brave intuititve she
Brave intuitive she
takes the plunge splashing beauty;
freedom of spirit
Freedom of spirit;
wings of creation flutter,
blue hides a white sky
Blue hides a white sky,
she cuts the sheet and walks in;
painted haiku shines..
Oh, how I want to continue to flow .. hold me please..and
join me in prayer so that we continue to enjoy
such freedom of imagination and spirit... God Bless!!!