Saturday, December 25, 2010

"Sir, You Have to Stop Using Your Comb..."

Written for OSI : Comb & Haiku Heights: Charity
Thanks to Gautami Tripathi for OSI Prompt and Leo for Haiku Heights..

Good face, haggard looks
Hair crumpled, receives a
Act of charity?

For OSI Prompt: Comb..


Hey, what’s happening
Is age catching up with me
I wasn’t taken aback
When I found my hair slowly
Turning grey, I accepted
The changing look of the man
Smiling from other side
Of the mirror, and swirling
Strands of grey falling
Majestically on my forehead
Gave a nice feeling
As I would often find
Eyes, young and old stopping
For fraction of a millisecond
To look at the charming prey
Thanks to my comb, with its
Soft teeth, moving through
The curls and straights
Showing each shining wisp,
Resting place and helping me
Turn them around
To give a style, a few falling
Shyly on my brow…
No, I wasn’t worried of
A puff of soft Breeze or
Arrogance of wind
Putting my hair in disarray
For, my friend forever, my comb,
Would stay in my back pocket
A bit close to my wallet
Enjoying the warmth
Of whatever little currency
But then this was from
The days gone by
Just last week, my hairdresser
Looked at my locks, getting
Thinner and thinner
Week by week, and advised
“Sir, you have to stop using
Your comb and instead use
Clasps of fingers to hold them
Together, comb would
Take them away faster…”
Oh, I hadn’t noticed
But it was true, I had a hard
Look in the mirror
Who seldom hid the truth
Looks are important,
How does age matter, well
I am missing her
Since that last one week
Oh, my


  1. Nice haiku, but I just love the second one. It gave me a chuckle. I never thought about the comb causing problems. Very creative.


  2. That was a good take on the comb RS!! Great imagery created !! Let your hair down and have a great time!!

  3. Dramatic haiku with an interesting question! And such a fun poem! So combs need not not be the answer to hair problems!

  4. Oh I could'nt help loving your second poem...wonderful word play

  5. Couldn't help but smile at your take on "comb"!! :)
    What a hair-raising experience you must have had!!

  6. What a poem..
    The haiku is nice...
    but the poem is mind blowing... :)

  7. I enjoyed both poems...the second one described so vividly that acceptance we must all embrace as age creeps up on us. Beautifully expressed!

  8. really nice

    “Sir, you have to stop using
    Your comb and instead use
    Clasps of fingers to hold them
    Together, comb would
    Take them away faster…”

    i feel sometime that process of aging not only give us the authority to advise others but also its state where we have to receive as well.

  9. Ah, very well done sir! You did a great job in weaving a nice piece about combs in general. This is why I just shave my head when it is time, I rarely want to listen to others nag me about my locks! Thanks for sharing with us.

  10. nice haiku but better poem..really have given life to an inanimate object!

  11. Measurement of time and life became a new meaning. Impressed. Please have a good new week.

    daily athens

  12. Good one, the second, Ramesh. :)
    Poor fellow, his help was making things worse! :)

  13. Your haiku is beautiful and I love the troublesome comb. Nicely written.

  14. Just loved the poem...the haiku was great too

  15. So nice of you to acknowledge poet friends who hipped you to the prompts. The haiku was lovely, but this greying hippie really connected with your comb, the whole hair issue. Different for men than women, but still, loved the read.

    As always, nice work!
    Peace, Amy Barlow Liberatore

  16. Good one.
    Some people are touchy about their hair.
    Ask big B

  17. Lovely haiku and beautiful creative poem, Ramesh.Love it!

  18. Ramesh ... wonderful lament for your beloved comb!

  19. Rameshji, wonderful Haiku.. My charity is up as well.. Wish you a very Happy New Year 2011 !

    --Someone is Special--

  20. Just don't do the "Donald" comb over please :) I enjoyed this and your haiku Ramesh.

  21. lovely humor...


    I invite you to become a participant at Thursday Poets Rally Week 36…

    This is a golden opportunity for you to make NEW poetic friends, and have your talent directly exposed to a community of talented poets…

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    Hope to see you in, Happy Friday, best wishes for the year of 2011.


  22. Ah that darn AGE- she finds us and takes away when we least expect! Great takes on the prompt!
