Saturday, June 30, 2012

Like a Winged Kite..

Written for One Single Impression

Prompt: Kite.... ( My own prompt this week)

Like a Winged Kite...

Flying high with
the force of winds
liked a winged kite
I pass through
the glorious rainbow
Happily excited
for all the colours
which would politely
stick on my body
and white wings
but nothing happens,
I find myself coming out
without any change
why should have rainbow
chosen me to
show its true colours..


For haiku lovers....let me see if I have done the justice:

Rainbow’s true colours;
a  white kite passes through it
and lo, it stays white..


Shared with Leo's Haiku Heights

Lady Luck Flirts..

Written for Leo's
Haiku Heights
Prompt: True..

Lady Luck Flirts..

She conceals her
true identity;
lady luck flirts


True to night
glorious Moon shines;
earth lights up


Friday, June 29, 2012

Will It, Will It Not....

 Written   for   Rebecca's
Haiku My Heart

Will It , Will It Not...

Ah, my shadow falls
just a little ahead of me;
Sun hits from behind..

Sun hits from behind
and sunflowers all laugh at me;
harsher summer winds..

Harsher summer winds
make the clouds wither away;
eager paper boats

Eager paper boats
look for puddles of water;
Rain Gods are silent

Rain Gods are silent;
burning sun dictates terms,
ah, my eyes shed tears

Ah, my eyes shed tears,
yet the dry rose is happy;
some hint of water

Some hint of water,
I see the clouds moving in
will it, will it not..

RS :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Power of Her Taunt.

Written for

Hamper; noun: A large basket with a lid used for laundry;
Pulverize; verb: Reduce to fine particles; (informal) defeat utterly.
Taunt; verb: Provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks;

A Haiku

Power of Her Taunt..

Snatching her hamper
he pulverizes her dreams;
power of her taunt..


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Six Crystal Goblets..

Written for

Prompt: Crystal

Six Crystal Goblets 

 Six crystal goblets 
in my cupboard stay thirsty;
they don't accept tea

They don't accept tea;
 I too adamantly keep
offering water..


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Moon Hangs and Falls Not..

Written for

Moon Hangs and Falls Not..

Moon hangs and falls not
for Sun and Earth both support;
I am so happy

I am so happy
my words often fall from Moon;
Glow-worms come gliding..


Shared with
Rebecca's Haiku My Heart..

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thank You, Rebecca !

Written for


Happy Second anniversary of
Haiku My Heart....

Thank You, Rebecca..!

Mind turns fertile;
Arrays of flowers smile with
happiness and joy

Happiness and joy
both quietly enter my heart;
Beautiful Fridays

Beautiful Fridays;
I have been picking up love
that grows in this space

That grows in this space
with joyous seeds of words sown;
Haiku my heart blooms

Haiku my heart blooms
week after week joyously;
Two years of merriment..

Two years of merriment
leave behind laughing footmarks;
lo, I look ahead...

Lo, I look ahead
and see you already walking;
Thank you Rebecca ! 


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Love Loves To Forgive..

  Written for

Prompts: Lenient, Fog, Struggle..

Love Loves to Forgive.

She struggles to see
through the thick fog of doubt;
he stands firm
on his slippery ground
for he knows, like always
she will take a lenient view
of his misadventures..
And life will go on
as it has always gone
she reads his mind
and hers too
smiles and says..
“ Welcome, home.. whatever..”
Staying behind the fog
she shuns struggle
and prays, “ May God too
take a lenient view.."
Love loves to forgive.. isn't it..


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Written for

Tackle It Tuesday - Bright
shared with: 
One Single Impression - Waiting
Haiku Heights - Wisdom

God Paints A Rainbow..

Ah, dark clouds  melt
and lo, she picks shining pearls;  
a brighter sky waits..

A brighter sky waits
for her winged heart to soar;
God paints a rainbow

God paints a rainbow,
and her heart flies right through;
feet no more on earth.

Feet no more on earth;
wisdom wants her to return 
to her waiting place

To her waiting place
where life's longings bloom slowly;
ah, dark clouds melt..


This poem just I sit

She Is Not Waiting

Written for One Single Impression..

Prompt: Waiting.. Thanks, Harshadji..

She Is Not Waiting

She is not waiting
for anything to happen;
she's busy living..

She's busy living;
doesn't wait for the sunrise,
to begin her day

To begin her day;
she strives to fulfill dreams
hidden in her eyes

Hidden in her eyes,
for her tiny bundles of joy;
a single mother she

A single mother she;
focused on her present,
she is not waiting


Saturday, June 16, 2012

I Look At Nature..

Written for...

Prompt: Wisdom

I Look At Nature

Wisdom scattered
everywhere, all around, ah;
I look at nature

I look at nature;
winds just tickle fresh leaves,
dry ones take a fall

Dry ones take a fall;
shadows of tall trees lengthen
as sun sinks slowly

As sun sinks slowly
birds begin to return home;
Moon appears in sky

Moon appears in sky
without stealing sun’s glory;
flowers go to sleep

Flowers go to sleep,
butterflies evade darkness;
wisdom scattered..


Thursday, June 14, 2012

I See Flocks of Happy Birds..

Written for


Rebecca's Haiku My Heart..

I See Flocks of Happy Birds..

Thin fading crescent
smiles to make its presence felt..
spread of morning sky;

Spread of morning sky;
I see flocks of happy birds
creating patterns…

Creating patterns
with joyous winged spirits;
height of freedom, that!


I paint happiness
three times, for you, me and us;
walls of my mind laugh..



Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Where Life and Light Dance Together..

Written for 3WW...

Where Life and Light Dance Together..

A happy step taken
No more clinging to the past;
murmurings from the
tiny dots of darkness
left behind somewhere
will slowly cease too..
I can now hear
the musical footfalls
of a brighter future
creating a soulful symphony
by merging with the
exciting songs of
a melodious present
where every moment sings with
abundant freedom and joy
Hey, join me here,
in the ‘Now’ where
life and light dance together....


Monday, June 11, 2012

Sun Is Gone...

Written for


Prompt : Sunflowers

Sun is Gone..

turn to look at her ;
jealous Sun;

Jealous Sun
gets cover of clouds;
her dark face

her dark face;
sad sunflowers re-turn
 Sun is gone..


Just thought of another one:

Happy sunflowers,
all turn to look at her face;
Sun makes her shine too


Think, think think..
what kind of sun you are in
the skies of your loved ones...your admirers..
or what kind of sun you have in your skies..

Thanks KP...this post just happened..


Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Mind Paints an Evening..

Written for

Prompt: Wanting

My Mind Paints An Evening..

Madly wanting moon,
I settle for some fresh bread;
everyday story....

Everyday story,
evening returns with moon;
I think of fiction 

I think of fiction;
wanting more in a lot less,
heart chooses haiku

Heart chooses haiku;
 my mind paints an evening
with a smiling moon


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rainbow in Her Eyes..

Written for Leo's Haiku Heights

Prompt: Ordinary ...but then the word itself isn't..

Rainbow in Her Eyes..

Rainbow in her eyes;
much more than ordinary
touch of artistry

touch of artistry;
a rain drop silently cuts
the shining sunbeam

the shining sunbeam;
extra-ordinary splash of
colours create music

colours create music
and she dances lost in love;
beautiful world this

Beautiful world this
with nothing ordinary;
rainbow in her eyes




Shared with Rebecca's
Haiku My Heart..

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Try to Feel and Breath Beauty

Written for Rebecca's

Haiku My Heart..

I Try to Feel and Breath Beauty

Through the thick of green
I look at patches of blue;
mute dry leaf quivers

Mute dry leaf quivers
tickled by the naughty breeze;
water flows nearby

Water flows nearby;
I can smell the blooming
roses all around

Roses all around;
closing my eyes I try to
feel and breath beauty


A nudge
by her thought; 
heart sings..


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mist of Ugly Doubts...

Written for

Mist of ugly doubts;
bulky figures of darkness
resign to seek light

RS :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Giving Earth..

Written for

Prompt: Exposure

A Giving Earth..

Exposed to
man's insatiable greed;
a giving Earth

A giving Earth;
many things adorn
my sweet small house 

My sweet small house;
I give back a little by
watering plants..


Saturday, June 2, 2012

I Hold My Dreams Tight..

Written for


Thanks to Tracy of These Silly Words of Mine 
for the prompt Fickle..

I Hold My Dreams Tight..

None touches
or plucks
or smells the fragrance
artificial flowers
born dead
live pretty long
soaked in pride
of their own beauty..
no fear of a
fickle weather
and I sit looking at
a blooming rose
tremble with fear
in my balcony
ah, strong winds
without a warning
blow my hair too
I hold my dreams tight….


Thanks to my friend from Switzerland Claude LOPEZ-GINISTY
for the translation in French..

Personne ne touche
ou ne cueille
ou ne respire leur fragrance
les fleurs artificielles
vivent assez longtemps
baignée dans l'orgueil
de leur propre beauté..
nulle peur
d'un temps capricieux
et je suis assis regardant
une rose magnifique
je tremble de peur
sur mon balcon
ah, de forts vents
sans prévenir


Friday, June 1, 2012

Footprints of Childhood

Written for

Prompt: Lock
Have tried to use lock with
various meanings..

Prompt: Fickle

Footprints of Childhood

In the depths of heart
are locked her happy dreams;
footprints of childhood


A swish of her hand
moves locks away from her eyes;
gesture beckons him


fickle mind,
he still shuns an eye-lock;
she wonders


Her melted feelings
want to reach up to him, oh;
will lock rise the flow


Ah, this game of pull;
 God unlock the mystery
that controls the hearts..


Here's the happy Gift of translation
 in French from my friend

Dans les profondeurs du cœur
sont enfermés ses rêves heureux;
empreintes de l'enfance

Un geste de sa main
repousse une boucle de ses yeux;
ce geste l'attire lui

esprit capricieux,
il méprise un regard appuyé;
elle se pose des questions

Ses sentiments attendris
veulent l'atteindre lui, oh;
l'écluse fera-t-elle s'élever le flux


Ah, ce jeu d'attirance;
Dieu déverrouille le mystère
qui contrôle les cœurs ..

Also Shared with : 

Rebecca's Haiku My Heart