First, A Haiku...
She breaks that big stone
into many small pebbles;
myth quietly dilutes
and now the Poem..for prompt Myth..
and now the Poem..for prompt Myth..
There Were No Him, Her, Them..
Many years went by
As I continued to blame
Him, her, them
For all that went haywire
But then you know
Myths have this peculiar destiny
They break quietly
I saw them breaking
When I slipped and fell
Inside my own darkened depths
In some inexplainable moments
For the first time
I met myself and knew
There were no Him, her , them
It was all about 'Me..'
Oh, have I missed telling you, that
When myths break
The silent sound gives
Birth to light as
Darkness whithers away...
Written for
Sunday's One Single Impression: Myth
Saturday's Haiku Heights: Stone
Shared first with
Friday's Haiku My Heart..