Thanks to Patti of Creative Cottage Dreamer for such a challenging prompt. What to choose.. and I decided to let it flow what with life unfolding with almost a proverbial speed of a thought.. well Patti, hope I have done justice..
Haikus for OSI and Haiku Heights follow the poem .. do have a look
Shining Options Hid
Somewhere in the Darkness of Minds
Oh, how I wanted to be
Woven like a thread
In the cultural fiber of the place
Where I chose to dwell
But, whenever I tried to meld
I was pulled by some weak-hued
And that made me always wonder
Did my presence affect their sheen
Persistence being my forte
I chose a mantra -
-To address only the ‘Good’
In people, shunning the ‘Bad’ -
With the hope that my effort
Would make only the ‘Good’ shine
But then I didn’t know
That I had always been like
A thread that dangled out
Right there, yes, feeling connected
Yet vulnerable to getting snipped
And that happened as I found it
Finally after almost eons
The thread got entangled with
Some sharp proverbial thorns
Ah, to try looking at the causes
I know those and yet don’t know
Getting untwined meant
Breaking away, like a nail
Plucked from a finger, but why..
Why should the nail feel the pain
And body be indifferent, or perhaps..
As all the shining options
Hid somewhere in the darkness
Of minds who could choose to appear
Enlightened, illumined and bright
I was left with no other
Alternative but to accept the truth
That stays and needs
To be lived, truthfully
Finally learning a big lesson..
Nurturing a cactus with
Purest of waters would not change
Basic nature of a cactus, ever eager
To pinch on any attempt to hug it
Bound by its nature, of course,
Provides solace to those, who
Respect it by maintaining distance
And let it breathe all its
Thorny yet green glory..
Had I tried to trespass, don’t know
Yet I move forward with hopes of
Melding with the newer world
Pray that I should be lucky
And the weaver up there knits me
Strong and tight this one third time
As life in its true essence moves on..
And also a Haiku ..
On new moon nights
Moon melds with the stars, tries
To know them better
For OSI and Haiku Heights
The soldier swiftly
Melds with snow and shrubs
Survival Instinct..
For Haiku Heights
Beggared child, runs ,
Beats the beast for loaf of bread
Lives on instinct