Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Collaboration With My Soul..

Written for Jingle Poetry who have honoured me by placing my last year's post as a part of Halloween Celebrations... Many Thanks to Jingle Poetry...

Also shared with  The Gooseberry Garden.....

A Collaboration With My Soul..

Oh, it is Halloween
And I am supposed to dress-up
A bit scary for everyone around
To celebrate the occasion
I sit wondering
What would be the
Right and befitting outfit
And that's when
I heard my mind laughing
Saying something to me
The words were loud and clear
" Hey, you need not wear
A  scary mask
In fact you should remove
The mask you wear and see how
Scared people would be
To see your real face... "
Another of mind's games
But then that scares me
Yet I have to move on
Having collaborated with
My soul to make the
Mask  vanish...

RS : )

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Setting Sun Faking to Be the Afternoon Sun..

Written for One Single Impression Prompt : Sunset
Thanks to Kremo of The Obtuse Angle for the prompt

Sink With Me...

"Sink with me to come
Out of depths,” said the setting Sun
And I just sank with it
Coming out of depths could be fun...

( From my book “A Little More Than Ordinary”)


Setting Sun Faking to
Be the Afternoon Sun..

I was trying to
Look at the blazing
Afternoon Sun
And lo, suddenly it vanished
Fell directly into the sea
And it was hush
Of the evening
Shocked I couldn't understand
And then as if
The winds whispered
In my ears, " Hey, that was
Setting Sun faking to be
The Afternoon Sun
Wasn't able to face the truth
So kept on trying
To shine in vain
Fighting with the nature."
And for just this folly
The world around
Got deprived of a soothing,
Tranquil and peaceful
Transition of the day
Into a glorious evening...
RS :)

Faking Fearless Sleep..

Written for Haiku Heights
Prompt: Ghosts

Faking Fearless Sleep..

In childhood's dark nights
With wide open eyes, I would
Draw ghosts out of trees..

Seeing one dance near
I would shut the eyes tight, yeh, 
Faking fearless sleep..

RS :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thousands of Bubbles Shine..

Written for
Rebecca's Haiku My Heart.

and for Blue Bell Books
based on the picture prompt ...

First for Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

My hands full of soap
Thousands of bubbles shine, ah
A whole universe

A gush of water
Bubbles get washed away
A universe goes..


And now for Blue Bell Books

A lovely world this
God give me shining wings too
Want to hop on trees..


And one in a lighter vain..

Fruits tempted me, yes
But how do I get down now
Can't fall like a fruit..

RS :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kings Never Make Permanent Pets

Written for 3WW Prompts... Vulnerable, Inclined, Figment..

Kings Never Make Permanent Pets

I have many a bell
In my house
Always inclined to buy one
Loved belling the cats
Never thought of being
Vulnerable to any ploys
For I was lion's pet
Looking back, now
I realise that King's
Never make permanent pets
Situations make them choose
My  strength was actually
A figment of my imagination
It was my fault
Those whom I had taken
As Cats had slowly got
Transformed into Lion's cubs
New pets, and vulnerable me
Keep listening to the
Tinkling of bells I couldn't use...

RS : )

Monday, October 24, 2011

Make it Special This Diwali..

Here's wishing a very Happy Diwali to all my friends in the blogging world... your encouragement keeps me going and always strengthened my belief that life is much more beautiful and happier  than what appears to be. Thank you all for being there..oh no I mean 'here'..!

Make It Specail This Diwali

On this beautiful Diwali,
The festival of lights,
May the stars rain on the roof
Of your house and
Settle themselves in
Rows of happiness and joy
Glittering whole night
May you find some moments
To be just yourself,
Truest and purest
Free from all the burdens
Let your eyes shine
With happiness & joy
Stemming from
The deepest core
Of your Heart
May your loved ones
Glow in your light
And you...... in theirs
Make it special this Diwali


Here's a Haiku...for this Diwali..

Moon is in a trance
Earth  wears a saree studded
With  glittering stars..

RS :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Can Kneel Before Him...

Written for One single Impression
Prompt #191 :  Limber Up

Thanks to Swapna of Following a Rainbow for this  week's prompt!

I Can Kneel Before Him...

“Limber up your legs”
He commands
And lo, a crackling sound
Stems from my knees
And he exclaims
“What is this orchestra, man!”
As I do it the second time..
That was my coach and me
In those golden yesteryears
Yes, I have always had
Musical knees
Keep trying to fill
My heart too with music
Need them both
Now that I am learning
To walk on a road
That is not smooth anymore
Yes, hard realities of life
Keep surfacing here and there
Every now and then
I pray from my heart
And thank God
That I can kneel before Him..

RS : )

His Heart Made of Sponge..

Writeen for Haiku Heights Prompt: Sponge

Hey, be like a sponge,
You must soak everything, that
Will take you ahead..


His heart, made of sponge,
Soaked everything; bounced
One day, went ahead...

RS : )

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Haiku From My Heart...for Haiku My Heart..

A Haiku Prompted by my Heart

My 2nd contribution based on
Some spontaneous thoughts ..

Stands so quiet and still
No Morning breeze to tease, old
Oak prays in silence

Truly inspired
I stand quiet and still and pray
Yet silence eludes..

RS :)

Haiku All for Haiku Lovers..

Haiku for Rebecca's Haiku My Heart..
You Know .. That blog?

Seeds of grains fly out
Of my palm; pair of pigeons
Arrive for their food...

I walk on yet hear
The sounds of their fluttering
Wings, music to ears..


My entry for You Know that Blog.
Prompt : Debonnaire

Oh, it is so rare
Truly appreciates, he's
A real debonnaire

RS : )

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wow, Abstract Paintings..

Written for It's Thursday.... picture prompt..

   Picture courtesy
as offered on ' It's Thursday link


Wow, abstract paintings
None of the artists dare show
Such talent at home..

RS : )

You Are God's Favourite Son...

Written for 3WW :  Ember, Tentative, Breach

You Are God's Favourite Son...

No, God will not breach
His promise made to you
Let the fire of time burn whatever
Monuments you created
Over the dead dreams of
Some people who continued
To live around you
With some hope, it’s been
Their fault for being
So tentative in their
Numerous resolves of
Distancing themselves
But then you need not worry
Fires will die down, but
You will continue to glow
Like an ember, for
That’s your destiny, nothing
Will raze you except
Your own will, you are
God’s favourite Son
Must have been pious and pure
Wish could have remained so
But then that would have been
A breach of your own promise
To yourself, yes, you wanted to
Write the destinies of others
And reach such heights
Where none around you
Would ever be able to reach
And hats off to you
All that is achieved
For, you were never tentative
Hey, did I say something
About your glowing
Like an ember...


A Haiku too for lovers of Haiku..

Breach of a promise
Heart burnt, I am tentative
In holding ember

RS : )

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Had Kept It In An Old Book

Written for OSI Prompt:  Paper 
(Thanks to Gautami Tripathi of Rooted for the prompt)

I Had Kept It In An Old Book

Folded neatly
I had kept it in an old book
Colour of paper
Had changed
But the fragrance
Of your words still
Refreshed all my senses
It took me three decades
To take it out
And torn it to pieces
With the same hands
That had folded it
All because I found
The colour of your heart
Having become stale
Just like that of the paper,
Because the words which
Arrived afresh
Appeared to be coated
With a layer of
Pride and arrogance,
I was scared
Of their getting mixed
With the old ones
I let them
Melt with eternity,
How else could I have
Saved their sanctity, no..

RS :)

Crazy Butterflies..

Written for Haiku Heights
Prompt: Vibrant

Vibrant tapestry
Flowers in myriad hues
Crazy butterflies..


Elephant & Ant
Sip happiness from nature's
Cup of  pure beauty...

RS :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dry Leaves Leave..

Written for
Rebecca's Haiku My Heart
It's a Fabulous Friday!

Strong breeze hit the tree,
Dry leaves leave, fresh cheerily
Exclaim, “Welcome, please!”


RS : )

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dreams Spilling From My Eyes..

Written for the photo prompt of blubell books...

Dreams floating behind
Your closed eyes, and spilling
From mine,  are they same..

RS : )

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Shadows Need Not Be Scary Always..

Written for 3WW Prompts: Follow, Piece, Admire..

Shadows Need Not Be Scary Always..

My shadow follows me
and many a time changes sides too
Sometimes its on my left,
At others on the right
And occasionally goes ahead of me 
Can I admirepiece of advice
That tells me to get rid
Of my shadow, for that,
I will have to embrace darkness
Hey, my shadow tells me
About presence of light
Around me, yes
Shadows need not be
Scary always,
Lo, this simple truth
Makes me admire
My own shadow and 
I follow it when
Sun shines behind me
No, I have never seen my shadow
Broken into pieces.

RS :) 

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Tears Flowing From Your Eyes..

Written for
One single Impression : River
The Gooseberry Garden Poetryweek # 8

My Tears Flowing From Your Eyes..

You fulfil my need
I feel enhanced with you
Yes, you are a friend...


Hey, I observe you
You are same with everyone
And I get my doubts


Gettimg together
Gossiping and laughing, hey,
That's not friendship, na..


So far away, yet
Being here in my space, with me,
My blogger friends those!


My laughter in your
Heart, my tears flowing from your
Eyes, truly a friend!

RS : )

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Dip in Holy Waters

Written for One Single Impression 

Prompt : River
( suggested by me )

A Dip in Holy Waters

Immersion of Dad’s
Ashes; my only contact
With river ’Ganges’..

A dip in holy
Waters; cleansing of the soul
Yes, I had felt good

Ah, a revered way
To get rid of sins, but would
Soul stay clean forever

To keep my soul clean
Always, I would have to know
My soul very well

A very first step
To know my soul well, would be
To know, I have one..

My memory of
A dip in Holy River
Makes me face the truth..

 RS :)
I am sure the prompt has made your thoughts flow from
your heart ... and you have enjoyed thinking..

Will Ant Influence?

Written for Haiku Heights 
Prompt " Impossible  " 
Shared also with "The Purple Tree House"

Elephant and Ant
Can they extend family?
No! Impossible!
After few years, may
Think to adopt one of theirs
Will Ant influence..

RS : )

Friday, October 7, 2011

Stars all go to sleep

Written for Rebecca's Haiku My Heart..

Stars all go to sleep

Stars all go to sleep
Dawn arrives, listening to
Silence of sunrise…

Morning’s music hits
My ears, mind picks up the notes
Lo, heart starts dancing…

God spreads another
Day; appears smooth, I walk on,
Joyous angels join

Life quietly sails through
Morning, noon and evening
Moon and stars return..

Sky glitters, night 
Long celebration, tired Moon,
Stars all go to sleep..

RS : )

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sitting Royally On the Laurels of My Past..

Written for 3ww... Impact, Eject, Render
A chain of haiku...

Sitting Royally On the Laurels of My Past...

Hey, eject before
Your impact renders itself
Useless; be useful...

What you did in past
Is no concern of present
Contribute today

Else you will get
Rejected , my dear

Gracefully choosing
To sidestep, may leave impactful
Indellible mark

I know, but still my
Hunger for power holds me
Then how to eject...

Sitting royally
On the laurels of my  past, ah,
My identity....

RS :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Language of Love..

Language of Love..

All things speak to me
In my language, for that's
What I listen to...

And I learn that If
I wish you to listen , must
Talk your language

Oh, so difficult
Let me go by common one
Language of love..


Theme: Loss and Love..

Feeling of loss 
Occurs when one expects
And isn't it also true
That when one expects
One doesn't really love
Does it mean
Love  and loss
Going together
Is an illusion
Love willingly gives
That's true, but then
Why does separation
Leave a vacuum
And its painful
Mysteries galore, yet,
Letting 'love'to be
That's   love to me..

RS : )

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Does Language Really Matter...

Written for One single Impression
 Prompt # 188 : Language

Thanks to Sandra... a prompt that took me to a place for the first time, where I go everyday...

Does Language Really Matter...

Suddenly I am looking
At a tree who says
“Torrential rains,
But look at me I survived
Thank God, my strong
Roots helped me..”
Yes, I heard the words
In my mind, tree hadn’t
Spoken; I respond
Smilingly, “That’s great,
Let me see if I can
Survive the storms of
Circumstances, don’t know
Whether my roots are
That strong, dear..”
I know tree heard
But did it hear in the
Same language which
I used, if no then
In what language
Did it interpret my message
Wow, I am so keen to learn it
Perhaps a language
That doesn’t support
Negative reactions
For it doesn't have words
That convey negativity
Because need never existed
Yes, I really haven’t seen
A tree or a flower
Ever getting angry or upset
And I don’t think
If they ever turn
Greener with envy....
But then if I learn
That would be wonderful
If not it’s alright
The way it is...
Lessons can be learnt
and for that to happen
Does language really matter?
RS : )