Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Deep Reluctance Holds Me Tight..

Written for 3WW Prompts..  Immune, Drench, Radiate..

Deep Reluctance Holds Me Tight..

Drenched in water
Immune to people around
He dances in rain

Drops of water shine
On his face, eyes radiate
A deep love for life

How I crave to be
Out there with him to catch
Rain-drops in my hands

Deep reluctance holds
Me tight, moments of magic
Slipping by quietly

That’s when my spirit
Pushes me with full force and
I find myself dance

In rain, like a mad
But where is he, oh, my muse
Vanishes or hides

Then I get the truth
Together we can’t be, for
That was also me

The one I wanted
Always to be, and wow, It’s
Kind of knowing

Now I know for sure
If ever magic beckons
I will be immune

Drenched in love
I will let my spirit radiate
Through my eyes, yes..

And what really
I would be doing; ah, simple,
Living the moment…

This poem, in a chain of haikus just happened.. I think I was living the moments as the words flowed.. about fifteen minutes ago it didn't exist... join me in happiness!!!

By:RS : )


  1. A chain of haikus..what a wonderful dancing in the reads like a chain of thought too..a realisation..Jae

  2. Ramesh, welcome to the poet's world where Haiku evolves. I agree, the form is so simple that the thought can usually flow quickly, but not always.

    I like it that you returned to the words, used them twice.

  3. beautiful would that we could always seize the moment

  4. and a lovely, shining chain it is!

  5. "Drops of water shine
    On his face, eyes radiate
    A deep love for life"

    - lovely words!

  6. Dancing in the rain is seizing the moment. We all need spontaneity, even in haiku.

  7. I love walking in the rain. If I have nowhere I need to it.
    This is lovely.

  8. What better advice than to live the moment. This is such delightful post I felt like dancing in the rain myself.

  9. Love your chain of haiku. Beautiful words!

  10. Your youthful and joyful spirit radiates through every Haiku here!! Wah!!RS!!

  11. Ramesh, I can see your essence dancing in the rain. How often have I chased myself, thinking it was another who was having more fun than I? Sweet, spiritual, and pure. Bless you, my friend. Amy

  12. I join your hapiness, yesss!! A story in haikus, and so well told... I can see it, smell the rain... I dance along!

  13. Drenched in beauty..... what a beautiful creation sir. Loved the lines where u mention the other one was also me. The me I always wanted to be.

    Thank you for writing this

  14. I have witnesed just a little of that spirit of yours dancing here, Ramesh ! It dances beautifully !
    Happy Weekend !

  15. WONDERFUL!! I really could relate to this one, Rameshji... I think the best way to re-welcome those muses is by letting go of all our inhibitions, and by opening our arms wide to the world of possibility...

    May those spirits keep dancing.. and singing in the rain...


  16. raindrops opening one's eyes to the ever presence of life now... beautiful...

  17. Ramesh, this unconscious flow is as rhythmic as music! I could feel a song carrying me to the resolution of not letting anything pull me back again...

  18. You were inspired, and in turn you have inspired me.A novel idea - you and your muse are one and the same!

  19. These are the best; the ones that come flowing out of you like the letting go of a breath held in. Very well done!

    My second offering for this week:
