Saturday, February 25, 2012

I Think From My Heart..

Written for One single Impression

Thanks to Leo for the Prompt..Muse

I Think From My Heart

Muse amuses me
and sometimes troubles too;
I think from my heart

I think from my heart;
friends and foes wonder aloud
“has he lost his mind? ”

“has he lost his mind?”
Let them think what they want to
I am on my way…

RS :) 


  1. Yes, one's muse does trouble one sometimes. Especially when she won't let you sleep.

  2. Thinking from heart - finds resistance from many quarters. Carry on. God bless you.

  3. it's the muse way of saying, i care for you :-)

  4. Good advice, those last two lines. naysayers depart!!! enjoyed this very much.

  5. It's always good to think with the heart. Lovely poem here Ramesh
