Thanks Leo, it had been a wonderul experience ..sitting everyday at 0000 hrs IST, waiting for the link and posting it and then watching the relationship between Ant and Elephant grow with Judy and Nanka adding to the charm with their tales in comments...
It was an experience I would cherish forever...for it gave some new wonderful friends who are always ready to encourage...
But hats-off to you, Leo, for being such a committed and gracious host.
Here's on the last day of challenge..
Height of Haiku Challenge Day 30
Prompt : Any Topic
Hey, walking ahead,
I keep looking back; alas,
Gesture makes me slow…
Earth tells me often,
“Do I look back? No, I just
Keep whirling forward.”
Nature’s lesson, that !
I fight with my own nature
So difficult to learn
You say write haiku
On nature; well, then mine makes
Man’s nature visible…
Elephant and Ant
Are happy; my eyes won’t peer
At them every day
And I am happy
Because both have agreed to
Let me once a week
Judy and Nanka,
What do you say? Leo would prompt
Each week. Continue?
RS : )
I must thank Leo and Teri C.. Thanks, for intersting twists in the tale and my gratitude to all other friends who visited to bless the couple and get charmed by them... Keep visiting we will keep the tale going..week after week.. Love..