Friday, September 30, 2011

I See A Rose Smile..

Written for Rebecca's Haiku My Heart...

Oh, past pulls me back,
Uncertain future tempts,; thank
God, ‘Now’ holds me tight..


I see a rose smile
Giving me a fresh look, I
Cherish the moment..

RS : )

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Keep Looking Back..

Thanks Leo, it had been a wonderul experience ..sitting everyday at 0000 hrs IST, waiting for the link and posting it and then watching the relationship between Ant and Elephant grow with Judy and Nanka adding to the charm with their tales in comments... 
It was an experience I would cherish forever...for it gave some new wonderful friends who are always ready to encourage...
But hats-off to you, Leo, for being such a committed and gracious host.
Here's on the last day of challenge..

Height of Haiku Challenge Day 30
Prompt : Any Topic

Hey, walking ahead,
I keep looking back; alas,
Gesture makes me slow…

Earth tells me often,
“Do I look back? No, I just
Keep whirling forward.”

Nature’s lesson, that !
I fight with my own nature
So difficult to learn


You say write haiku
On nature; well, then mine makes
Man’s nature visible…

Elephant and Ant
Are happy; my eyes won’t peer
At them every day

And I am happy
Because both have agreed to
Let me once a week


Judy and Nanka,
What do you say? Leo would prompt
Each week. Continue?

RS : ) 

I must thank Leo and Teri C.. Thanks, for intersting twists in the tale and my gratitude to all other friends who visited to bless the couple and get charmed by them... Keep visiting we will keep the tale going..week after week.. Love..

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Perfect Rhythm..

Height of Haiku Challenge : Day 29
Prompt : Rhythm

Universe sings in
Perfect Rhythm, I try vainly
To catch divine notes..


Who says elephant
Can’t dance; he succeeds, catches
Ant’s rhythmic steps..

RS : )

'Intellect' Starts With An ' I '..

Written for 3WW... Cherish, Nausea, Guarantee..

'Intellect' Starts With An ' I '..

Let me confess
I learnt the hard way, that
These three words
"I, Me, Myself"
Guarantee nausea
For those around
And the absence starts
Getting cherished
Catching this self-enhancing
Ego-based habit  
And then working on
Eliminating it
With deliberate efforts
To reach from, "Hey,
Is he joining for the picnic,
Well then leave us out,"
To "Hey, lets go together
We won't go without you
And we are not here
To listen to a NO"
Taught me one nore thing
If I talk good about you,
Then of course you will like me
And If I talk good about myself
You won't like me
And then does it mean
You liking yourself is Ok
But I liking myself is not
Well be as it may
While  sharing this
And deeply contemplating
On this particular lesson
I find it indeed very
Comforting to see that
'Intellect' starts with an ' I '...

RS : )

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ant Charms With Her Gait...

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 28
Prompt : Charm

Charming Moon beckons
Yet Earth holds herself quite fine
Keeps him at charm’s length…


Big Elephant keeps
Strides short; Ant charms with her gait,
Cute elfin walks tall   ...

 RS :)  

Monday, September 26, 2011

Earth Admires, Keeping Her Distance..

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 27
Prompt : Poise

Calm, serene and poised
Happy Moon shines, Earth admires
Keeping her distance..


"No Earthquake on Moon?"
Elephant asks;  Ant is poised,
" Silly, it's Moonquake.."


Elephant and Ant
Never fight; when  one is mad
Other maintains poise..

 RS : )

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Phoenix Inspires..

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 26
Prompt : Phoenix

For my Elephant and Ant Haiku, 
I have picked up the meaning of Phoenix as : 
A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a paragon.

Elephant is struck
Reading, doesn't know meaning
Of phoenix, asks Ant..

Happy Ant tells him; 
For her Elephant has always
Been a true phoenix..


Here the meaning taken is:  A bird in Egyptian mythology
that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire,
later to rise renewed from its ashes.

Phoenix inspires,
Else, stories of man's rise from
Ashes won't exist..

 RS : )

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ah, To Be 'Two' Many People..

Written for OSI : AMUSE

Ah, To Be 'Two' Many People..

Whenever you are with me
You pamper me, talk so well
And nice too...
Praising me for what I do
Making me feel so high
But then when you go away
Sit among others
Why is it that you find
Me repulsive in my absence
And love to find ways
To generate disinformation
Diluting me, in a vain attempt
To enhance yourself
Hey, tell me then, when you go
Looking yourself in the mirror
Smiling back at you
Giving yourself a pat on back
Don't you find it amusing
Ah, to be 'two'  many people
And then to be able to
Sleep well in comfort
It would be interesting
To  learn about the dreams
Dancing in your closed eyes
Do share with me
When you meet me next
To pamper me and make
Another  vain attempt 
To help  me feel high
Will it amuse me, don't know,
Now that I know..  

 RS : ) 

Cooks Colourful Cuisine

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 25

Lo, cuts a piece of
Rainbow! Makes an apron; Cooks
colourful cuisine..


Ant tells Elephant
“Hey, you walk into my thoughts
As and when you want

“But you don’t let me
Walk into yours, when I want
Pretty unfair, that! ”

Elephant pauses
Looks at her and politely
Says, “I am sorry!

“Next time when I think,
Don’t hesitate, just walk in
Without asking me..”

And Ant is waiting
Expressionless face doesn’t
Reveal when he thinks…

 RS : )

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lost Dreams Reappear..

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 24
Prompt: Lost

Lost dreams reappear
On new moon night, keep floating
Among twinkling stars…


I am so happy
Never lost my child-hood, still
Shines in my haiku


Ant, lost in her dreams,
Woke up with a jolt; she saw
Elephant flying..

 RS : ) 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Haiku for Haiku My Heart..

Written for Rebecca's Haiku My Heart...

I look at the Rose
Who smiles first, and many bloom
In my empty heart..  


Sun-spots under the
Shade of tree, golden sprinkled
On black sheet, God paints..

 RS  : )

Secret of My High Spirits

The Height of Haiku Challenge  Day 23
Prompt  - Water

Parched Earth, thirsty
People, darker side of Sun
Shines in vacant eyes...


Secret of my high
Spirits – my only drink
Water, blessed me!


Oh, Water, Water
Everywhere, Ant is safe
On Elephant’s back…

 RS : )

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Let Life Be Interesting..

Written for 3WW : Dull, Yawn, Race..

Let Life Be Interesting

Alarm screams, and
He wakes up with a jolt
Feels dull, yawns,
Says to himself,
" To hell with race,
I won't run today
Let me go back to sleep.."
And lo, within minutes
Starts snoring again..
Just like that, without
Blinking an eye..
We miss so many races
In life, feeling dull
At moments ,when
We should be
Fully alive, ready
To take on the world...
Hey, let us wake-up
Each morning
With springs in our feet
If possible without waiting
For the more
Dull and yawning lapses...
Let life be interesting
And more meaningful
Day will unwrap
Many a beautiful gift
Lets be ready to receive
By being fully alive
Every moment..

 RS : )

An Aim At Bull's Eye...

The Height of Haiku Challenge.. Day 22

Prompt: Bull's Eye

An aim at Bull’s Eye
Fetches a reward; hurt bull
Comes after me, aaaaw….


Funfair Shooting stall
Ant asks Eleph, “ Why Bull’s eye,
Why not yours, tell me?”

Confused Eleph
Says innocently, “Don’t know,
Never went to school”


RS : )

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Blow Bubbles..

The Height of Haiku Challenge.. Day 21
Prompt: Bubble

I blow bubbles, and
Try to see the world through them
Ah, they burst like dreams..


Travels up and down 
To talk to Eleph, tired Ant
Takes a bubble bath..

 Eleph comes home  late
Ant complains of pain in jaw
  Bubble gum troubles..

( I have used Elephant's short name here....)

RS : )

Will Death Be A Betrayal?

Specially for OSI... Betrayal.. my 2nd contribution...
first was combined with Haiku Heights..challenge..

Will Death Be A Betrayal?

We wake up
Ah, betraying sleep
We betray laughter
When we weep

Day will unfold itself
Strand by strand
Betryal and trust shall
Move hand in hand

Will death be a betrayal
Of this one life
Perhaps, but only if
We have been alive

Fresh  dreams,
Scream betrayals ahead
Broken ones tell
We are already dead

All said and done
I want to be fully alive
Stabs in the back
Won't let me die

I'll become stronger
With every passing day
I will continue to trust,
Let anyone betray..

Your trust in me
I will dearly hold
Natural betrayals
Ah, bless me God!

( This is an inspired poem...inspired by Teri C.'s post..)

RS : )

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Silken Feather..

The Height of Haiku Challenge.. Day 20
Prompt:  Feather

An abundant flight
Flash in the eyes of hunger
Scattered feathers


A real boss, that!
Wears a cap full of feathers
Let any one add..


Lets see what is happening with our friends..

Wow, elephant gifts
A silken feather, wants ant
To sleep in comfort..

RS : )

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Bright Bold Star That!!

The Height of Haiku Challenge  Day 19 

Prompt : Bold..

Dares to come closer
Moon too loves to flirt with it..
A bright bold star, that!


Ant charms Elephant,
Petite ? So what? Love finds her
Bold and beautiful..

 RS : )

Saturday, September 17, 2011


The Height of Haiku Challenge…Day 18
and Sunday OSI Combined..

I have taken the liberty and tried to use all the fifteen prompts till
today as also last two prompts of OSI to create chain of haiku...
hope you will enjoy as much as I did while writing it…


Hypnotic mirror
Lo, kisses himself, yearns for
Elixir of youth

Smiles with a flourish
Chimes for more liberty, gets
Wintery response

Flood of emotions,
Add to hidden feelings, yet
Mind is no windmill

His forte ‘patience’
Makes him write, tries creating
Magic through haiku

Notebook is happy
Its existence justified,
No betrayals, none..


Well, they are still here:

Elephant and ant
Comfy in my page; getting
All the attention..

RS : )

Friday, September 16, 2011

Deep Colours of Warmth..

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 17
Prompt : Winter

Woollens tugged in
A box, deep colours of warmth,
Waiting for winter…

Longer nights
Of winter make Moon


 Busy Ant knits a
Cap for elephant, needs to
Save  him from the chill..

 RS : )

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wind-chime Sings

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 16

Prompt: Chime 
(My first attempt on 3-5-3…)

Wind-chime Sings

Wind-chime sings
Songs of the morning
I sit quiet…

I sit quiet
Soft tinkle fills my heart
Wind-chime sings

Wind-chime sings
Lost songs of angels
Wings I get

Wings I get
To the beat of flaps
Wind-chime sings..

Wind-chime sings
Dancing with the breeze
My feet tap

My feet tap
Happy flowers sway
Wind-chime sings..


A bunch of wind-chimes
Tied to Elephant’s tail
Tinkles with ant’s sleep

RS : )

Note: Edited 3rd and 4th para based on some constructive feedback by Nanka : )

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Patience Pays!

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 15
 Prompt:  Patience

They say," patience pays".
And I often wonder, " But
To whom and what for..."


Elephant shows great
Patience, picks binoculars
To see Ant each time..

RS : )

Let Those Fading Dark Spots Become Glittering Milestones

Written for 3WW  Ease, Ommission, Bakward

Let Those Fading Dark Spots
Become Glittering Milestones

Looking backward
How I wish
Omission of some moments
From the road of my life
Yes, I recall
It was with great ease
That I had passed
Through them, inevitable scars
Had appeared later on
Time might have faded
The depth of dark spots,
But then a feeling of
Discomfort always lingers
Some kind of tinkering
With the smooth flow
Of life today creates dis-ease
But then lessons get learnt
Only from the experience
And evolution necessarily
Involves learning, well, then
Let me not call for omission
Of any of the moments
Let those fading dark spots
Become glittering milestones
With each lesson
Engraved and emblazoned
In its own light, looking
Backward occasionally
May become enlightening
Then moving forward
May happen with some ease..

RS : )

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Will My Grey Turn Black..

The Height of Haiku Challenge... Day 14.. ELIXIR

It's deep inside me
Fountain of elixir, hey
Will I  find the switch..


Will my grey turn black
With a sip of Elixir
Don't answer; grey's fine.


Ant wants elephant
To drink Elixir, perhaps
He will lose some weight..

RS : )

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Truth Dawns Each Day...

The Height of Haiku Challenge 
Day 13 Prompt : Liberty

No, Sun doesn’t have
Liberty to stay at home;
The truth dawns each day...


Lazy elephant
Sits quiet; Ant is free to spend
Time on her makeup..

RS : )

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Wise Pounce on Me

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 12 Prompt: Flood

One little mistake
Attracts a flood of advice
The wise pounce on me...


Elephant and Ant
Watch moon, flood of emotions
Keeps them sombre, night flows..

RS : )

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Notebook May Reveal Itself..

Written for OSI Prompt: Notebook ...
Thanks to Gautami Tripathi for the prompt...and the intense desire to do justice to it took me to a journey many hearts and minds undertake over the years.. wondering..

The Notebook May Reveal Itself..

She opened the notebook
For years she had kept
It all wrapped-up, away
From the dirt and dust
Didn’t want the cover to lose
Its sheen… and the
Words glittering inside
Their purity, but…
But she wasn’t sure of fate
Anymore, the notebook
May reveal itself… and
Make the words fall
In some filthy eyes
No, she didn’t want to see
Them crawling on the
Walls of a dark mind
Turning into some
Scary shapes…
Living in the arms of
Darkness didn’t mean
She wasn’t a proud daughter
Of light any more…
Holding herself strong
With the rope of her beliefs
She lit the fire
And threw the notebook
As the flames began
To swallow each page
A little corner of her mind
Started getting illuminated
Ah, that’s how it
Should have been always…
The layers of simmering ash
Whispered in her ears,
“The purest moments
Of your life are now
Lying safely in the deepest
Corners of your own essence
We take a final call and disperse.”
As a puff of wind
Scattered them all around..
Oh, she felt relieved
For she learnt that
She would be able to enter
That pious place any time…

And a Haiku here...

An old notebook that
His name written under her's
Am I  back to school..

RS : )

When Rainbows Surrounded My Life..

The Height of Haiku Challenge Day 11....  Any Topic..

Black and white photos
Of a childhood, when rainbows
Surrounded my life..

 RS : )

Friday, September 9, 2011

Moon Melts in Her Heart..

The Height of Haiku Challenge.. Day 10... Prompt : Magic..

Moon melts in her heart
Moonbeams roll out of the eyes
Magical tears those!


Open eyes can't find
Yet you are there when they close
Some real magic, that!


Can our couple we left out of this magical wave... lets see how they met..

Ah, sheer  magic of
Ant's cat-walk,  (d)numb elephant
Proposed on the spot..

RS : )

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Desert Yearns for Rain..

Haiku Heights Challenge  Prompt : Yearn

Desert yearns for rain
Yearning for that what is not
A part of nature..


Now this could be his craving too..

Elephant put her
On diet of proteins, yearns to
See Ant gaining weight

RS : ) 

Can't Let Love Erode..

Written for  3WW : Observe, Heart, Erode
Also shared with : Rebecca's Haiku My Heart too...

Can't Let Love Erode..

She deeply observes
Yet keeps a lot in her heart
Can’t let love erode..

Can’t let love erode
So walks on the hot sand too
She deeply suffers

She  deeply suffers
Yet loves to smile without blink
You can’t make it out

You can’t make it out
Because you only see, and
She deeply observes…

 RS : ) 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mom Would Always Smile...

Written for Haiku Heights Challenge.. Prompt: Hidden

Kept hidden from me
Were all the moments of pain
Mom would always smile...


Deep inside hidden
Somewhere is a little child
Why to hold him, no..


Well, now its Elephant's turn to get angry...

Angry elephant
Ant is not to be seen, she’s
Hidden anywhere..

 RS : )

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hypnotic Gaze, ah!

Haiku Heights Challenge : Day 07 Prompt... Hypnotic..

“Hypnotic voice!”
And he talks and talks, loses
Voice with in no time…


Sun sinks in the sea
Moon walks in, stars sing, nature’s
Hypnotic gaze, ah!


And the tale continues...
Hypnotic walk of
Elephant, all the Ants feel 
Jealous of their friend..

By RS : )

Monday, September 5, 2011

Infant Opens Eyes..

Haiku Heights Challenge.. Day 06  Promp: Kiss..
Two contrasting takes, today..

Infant opens eyes
Sick mother craves to kiss, holds
Temptation; Oh, God!


Carrying on with the tale.. as long as I can..

Elephant wants ant
To kiss him, she starts climbing
Gets tired, sleeps in ear..

By  RS : )

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Powerful Entertains Ego..

Written for the Haiku Heights Challenge Day 5... Flourish

Decimates others
With a flourish, powerful
Entertains ego…


And the story continues..

Elephant carries
Ant on his back; she's up in
A half-hour flourish

By RS : )

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Weeds Grow, I Remove Them..

Written for OSI and Haiku Heights..

Weeds grow, I remove
Them, but then they keep coming
Like negative thoughts…


Beautiful roses,
Surrounded by weeds, Don't
We meet them, often..


Here's especially for Haiku Heights Challenge…. Lets know more about  Elephant and Ant..

Just made for him, ant
Completes elephant, remove
Her, it's just ‘eleph’ ...

By  RS : )

Friday, September 2, 2011

Windmills Move...

Written for Haiku Heights challenge.. Prompt # 3   WINDMILL

From quite a distance
I feel presence of ‘power’
Moving windmills tell..


Continuing with the story of the couple....

Windmills tell speed of
Winds; fearful elephant hides 
Ant, stands over her...

RS  : )

Haikus for Mirror and Write .. for HH Challenge..

Haiku for Haiku Heights Challenge... hosted by Leo.. missed on the first prompt..hopefully will complete the rest...  Hope Leo won't mind..

Nanka of Quills wanted me to write my stories of Elephant and Ant..well got my chance here.. yesterday, elephant came home and sat on the chair where rested specs of the Ant and indeed those broke.. Ant was angry.. so what happened..

For 'Write'

Elephant writes to
Say sorry but Ant can't read
Misses specs, damn it!

For 'Mirror'...

(J)Dumbo Elephant,
Gifts her a mirror, angry
Ant, how can she see..


A Haiku Without Moon : )

Friday Mornings I wake up with a little bit of extra excitement.. for I remember, its a day for creating Haikus ..i.e a chain of Haikus for REBECCA'S HAIKU MY HEART..  and today when I woke up I decided to write a Haiku without Moon.. and see what happened...

A Haiku Without Moon : )

After giving it
A lot of thought, I write a
Haiku without Moon...

And you smile, because
You find the Moon shining
In the last line there

Ah, Moon just walks in
Without knocking, nudges me
With a soft moon beam

And I accept it
Hold it in my heart and mind
To share with you all

Hey, let me break it
Then, you pick up a piece, and
Hang it on a tree...

Here, here, I break it
Welcome, make a pick, each piece
Shines bright in your eyes

RS : )

Thanks for stopping by and picking up your share.. do comment to let me know if you enjoyed it...