Monday, February 28, 2011

I Had Made a Cartoon of Myself

Written for Poetry Potluck ... theme Cartoon.... and what could be a better way then to confess....

I Had Made a Cartoon of Myself

Wanted to press
My trousers, couldn’t use
Electrical Iron, due to
Power-cut in that
Summer of 1973
Yet, creative mind of
The child in me
Looked at a utensil,
Molded from steel
Bottom, a plane surface,
Thought I knew science a bit, so
Put it on the burning flames
Of a gas stove in the kitchen
Freedom was exercised
With none around
And then the utensil
Got heated up, ready to be used
So I picked it with a tong
And pressed the trousers
Lo! The trousers vanished
What remained was a Short
Unworthy of adorning me
Thanks to my scientific
Innovative mind
I had made a cartoon
Of myself
The caricature still
Laughs at me often from
The walls of naughty
Memories of an innocent
And creative childhood...ah,

- RS


Thanks to Ananya for a lovely prompt.. Mirage.. at Haiku Heights

Glorious future
A shining mirage of gold
I count coins now, here..

- RS..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Trees Laugh Along With Winds..

Written for ONE SINGLE IMPRESSION: Vellicate

A new word for me ..thanks to The Odd Inkwell for the prompt.. I have taken the meaning that denotes 'causing irritation or uneasiness...'

Trees Laugh Along With Winds…

Winds vellicate, trees
React spontaneously
And shed dry leaves

And shed dry leaves
What else, frustration targets
Genuine victims..

Genuine victims, dance
Around gravity and fall
Trees laugh along with winds

Trees laugh along with winds
Enjoying the spectacle
A human trait, this!


Here's an attempt with another meaning..

Mom's gesture of a
touch vellicates, child laughs in

- RS


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ah, Friday Morning..

Written for Haiku My Heart.. a poem with a sequence of Haikus..

Ah, Friday Morning..

Sunbeam enters through
A window, touches my face
Ah, Friday morning

Ah, Friday morning
Heart begins to think beauty
My haiku’s new dress

My haiku’s new dress
Let me weave with happy threads
It should look cheerful

It sould look cheerful
When you glance at it, stop to
drink a sip of JOY..

Drink a sip of JOY
Let your smile talk to world
Leave the rest to God..

- RS

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Juicy Tales...

Written for 3WW Prompts.. Stress, Figure, Juicy

Juicy tales these, of
famous figures, relieve stress
Of those who are not


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yes, the City Looked Very Small…

Written for OSI prompt: TOP

Thanks to Sandra ..for a prompt that gave me a chance to write on something I have always believed ..

Yes, the City Looked Very Small…

A wise man told me years ago,
“ You must try to reach the top”
I walked on and on, ran,
Sprinted and jumped, looked all around
But couldn’t see the top
And then one day I looked up
Towards edge of the city, and
I knew what the wise man meant
It took me a lot of hard work
Had to Negotiate difficult turns,
Brave rough weathers on the way
But then finally I reached
The top of the hill, that
Had beckoned me for years
Wow, the sky was so near
And I could touch moon
With my hands
Stars twinkled in my eyes
That’s when I looked down
And lo, from top of the hill
I could see the city spread
Far down below, so small
I could place it on my palm
Euphoria of having reached
Started catching me unawares
When a thought hit me
Like a bolt of light
Yes, city looked very small,
But then, those living there
No they couldn’t see me at all…
Ah, what a disconnect..
I suddenly felt lonely
And began preparing myself
To return to where I belonged
As I realized - Reaching skies
Was all the more beautiful
When one remained connected
With the ground ... where
One can see others happy
And smiling and be seen too
Yes, that too is a human need..

- RS

Hands Feel Each Weave..

Thanks to Vibhuti for fabulous prompt..

Written for Haiku Heights..

Gift from my childhood
I shuffle pages of the book
Wow! Dreams fall, still fresh …


An infantile coat
Hands feel each weave, my mother's
Aroma in my first wear.


Something Wonderful Is Happening..

A poem from my Past..

I was passing through perhaps very difficult times.. when once I lost sense of time . and it was only next day morning that I realized I had slept for a long time.. but then I found I was awake.. breathing.. and there was a sunbeam falling from my window on to my pillow.. outside it was a glorious day and breeze was flowing..
And the realization came that whatever may happen.. with anyone , the world will move on.. Sun will all its glory.. a new day will come.. and at the end of that fresh day I had written this poem..and made a new beginning… My room in office even today has just this one line pasted and I look at it often and enjoy the feeling and energy it gives.. I put it as title of the poem.. here..


Wow, I can hear
Sounds of soft footsteps of
The new day arriving
Slowly weaving its way
Through the path studded with
Glittering and shining moments;
Lo, behold!
I am also listening to its soft Whispering voice
Telling me About itself, “ I am hope
Arriving with a bundle of Beautiful Dreams &
Happy Happenings on my shoulders ………
Dreams which you can turn in to diamonds;
I am Happiness riding on the back of ticking moments
Which you can receive with open hearts;
I am pure joy just to be embraced with open arms;
Have faith in me, forget what happened

It was a part of your evolution
Hereafter always tell yourself
At any given moment of time..

I keep hearing this voice.. hope you will hear too..


Friday, February 18, 2011

Stars' Murmur Stops

Happy Haikus for Haiku My Heart..

Stars' murmur stops
Moon waves goodbye to night
East wears orange


Laughing flowers,
Whistling breeeze,fluttering wings,
Ah, morning’s love song..


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God's Secret Expression..

For Haiku Challenge at Few Miles by SiS..

Lines on hands, God’s
Secret expression, man tries
Yet can’t unravel..


I Can Practice Being Kind...

Before venturing into 3WW.. let me write a Haiku for SiS's Challenge..

Mom still holds me tight
In her heart, now that she lives
And glows in my heart..

Written for 3WW... Blink, Kind, Occasion..

Life In a Blink...

Life in a blink, God
Help me be kind even on
Occasions unkind...


I Can Practice Being Kind..

Ah, I can keep on talking
And talking without a blink
Listening is so very hard
I am always on a brink

Nothing wrong if on occasions
I can practice being kind
By listening and helping one
Throw garbage out of one’s mind

Ah, to nurture cleaner minds
What else would be a kinder deed
God , let me never blink to lend my ear
To whosoever is in need, indeed

For that’s the gift I have been receiving
From many a kinder heart
Who make their presence felt around
In spite of living distances apart..


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Quiet Place This..

For Haiku Challenge by SiS

A quiet place this, I
often visit
To meet with my ‘self’..


Sunday, February 13, 2011

For Poetry Potluck.. Poet's Love

For One Stop Poetry Form ~ Tanka and for Poetry Potluck..

I say to Rainbow,

" Hey where do you come from, dear,
and where do you go
I am just in love with you,

So not bothered to know.. "

(Hope it is 5-7-5-7-7..)

For Poetry Potluck..

Poet's Love

Clouds rain,
Showering words
Poet immerses

Each word
Soaked in passion
Rocks melt

Sun rises, and
Rainbow appears
Reflects love

Music from flutter
Of butterfly's wings
Flowers dance

Moon is quiet
Watching expressions
On faces of stars

Clouds and rocks
Sun, rain and rainbow,
Stars and flowers

Butterflies & Moon
Ah, to think of a poem
Without them...


Saturday, February 12, 2011


Thanks to Tammie Lee for INCANDESCENT and Gemma Wiseman for IMPRESSION

Witten for OSI Prompt : Incandescent and Haiku Heights: Impression

Incandescent Moon
Leaves a happy impression,
Earth turns to look at..

For One Single Impression


Incandescent heart
Beats in his chest, fireball of
Dreams burn inside..

Dreams burn inside
Eyes keep on searching them
Beyond skies far away

Beyond skies far away
Live two souls who watch their dream
Craving for dreams

Craving for dreams
And they shower their blessings
Fire inside calms down

Fire inside calms down
Moon turns from red to yellow
Fresh dreams reappear

Fresh dreams reappear
This time in his eyes, which rain

Letting Love to 'Be' - Haiku Challenge..

I wrote in one of my posts… yet loved to transform it in to a Haiku for SiS

Ah, letting ‘Love’
Just to ‘Be’ without pretense
Real love that is..


Friday, February 11, 2011

Hi, Haikus.... Haiku My Heart

Last week I wrote, for which Grammy made pictures..
And had been thinking to write more on Angel's visit.. so here's the continuation:

Last Week's Haiku..

Ah, visit of angels
My thoughts roll out a rainbow
Happy colors greet

Angels look in awe
Sublime colors offer peace
Aren’t they already home


Continuation , this week..

Stay in here and relax
As long as you want, friends,
Mind hosts angels

Angels are transformed
In to winged thoughts of joy
Touching souls around

Dark thoughts stay away
Fearing bright light of joy,
Ah, lucky me

And one from my archives especially for Haiku My Heart..

Millions of fireflies
Descend on dark lonely lane
Smiles grow on stones


Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Little Soul Shouts

Written for Haiku Challenge..of SiS and Haiku My Heart..

My little soul shouts,
To hold my bigger mind, fails,
Wins heart’s sympathy..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Their Spirits Shine..

Written for 3WW: Essence, Practical, Dare

Edited after some time.. listening to my heart..

Their Spirits Shine..

He doesn't dare
Face the truth always
For that's the essence of
Practical living
Recipe` for success
In the materialistic world
So what
If spirit suffocates
But then some spirits shine
They dare, and face the truth..
For they know
If one is not happy ,
One is not successful..


And a haiku.. for Haiku Challenge at Few Miles of Sis..

Being practical, ah,
Essence of pretense, why dare
To bring lilt in life..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where are Footprints..

Written for HAIKU CHALLENGE hosted by our friend SIS..

Wears velvety shoes,
Walks on marble and wonders,
"Hey, my footprints?"


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Poetry Potluck: Goal OSI: Humility

Written for Poetry Potluck:


To reach my goal, if I go on changing path
WiIl I ever know how did I reach?
I am on my path and shall stay on it
Let my goal be wherever I may reach..


Written for OSI 2nd entry..

Humility.. That's What It Is!

Arrogance shouts,
" I made it so good and worthy"
Says Humility,
" Thank God, it turned out to be!"


If you haven't already then, do visit and enjoy my earlier POST
That's been my 200th one, your blessings make me happy DOST

( 'Dost' in Hindi is a'Friend')

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Sit on a Rock, Moon Walks on Clouds..

(My dash board says it is so)


Written for OSI Prompt : HUMILITY

Thanks to Roberts for the prompt..

I Sit on a Rock, Moon Walks on Clouds...
(A chain of haikus)

I sit on a rock
Feet don’t reach water below
Lo! Waves jump to touch..

Lo! Waves jump to touch..
I feel sprinkles on my soul
Setting Sun smiles

Setting Sun smiles
Telling me to sink with it, ah,
I come out of depths

I come out of depths
Restless eyes look for heights
Mind jumps on the chance

Mind jumps on the chance
Let’s pride walk in quietly
Humility knows

Humility knows
She holds the heart tightly,
Heart beats soft and strong

Heart beats soft and strong
Keeps arrogance at bay
I detach myself

I detach myself
Pride melts, arrogance faints
Humility stays

Humility stays
Setting Sun beckons again
Dancing waves gleam gold

Dancing waves gleam gold
Sea of feelings settle, and
Moon walks on clouds

Moon walks on clouds
Softness soothes my soul ‘n mind
Moonbeam’s gentle touch

Moonbeam’s gentle touch
Happiness spills from my eyes
Stars roll down the cheeks

Stars roll down the cheeks
Moon, clouds and sea merge
God, let the dream stay

God let the dream stay
Fluttering wings of thoughts
I sit on a rock


I have timed it to coincide with Sunday so as to link it with OSI, the site which encouraged me and became my gateway to the world of blogging..a world which is so beautiful and oft times pretty magical.. what with such wonderful creative talents sharing their thoughts with each other, offering a gift of understanding, a gift we all cherish..I certainly do.

A big thank you to all who have visited this space, who visit regularly and who would be visiting in the days to come..

A special thanks to those who have chosen to follow writings...this is indeed very encouraging and a touching gesture.. God Bless!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hi Happy Haikus...


Ah, visit of angels
My thoughts roll out a rainbow
Happy colors greet


Angels look in awe
Sublime colors offer peace
Aren’t they already home


Added after first two comments.. oops little late..

Written for

Deer , goats and sheep
Dance in frenzy around King
Unwell lion skips meal...


This is 199th Post.. return to see 200th on Sunday..
Thanks.. dears for all the support..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Am Keeping My Fingers Crossed - 3WW

Written for 3WW: Abrasive, Loss, Handful

I Am Keeping My Fingers crossed

Ah, finally he could choose
To be abrasive with select few
He had reached where he wanted to
Power had been bestowed, and
He made right choices, pulling down
The shining faces and glowing spirits
Where was the alternative
Their light made his own scars visible
Scars which he had received
In the battles he had been fighting
With his own self, and opposites
A handful of mute on his side
Sustaining the power, and
The need to hold on to it
Needed just that kind of small army
Of trustworthy and loyalists
Others could be sacrificed
On the altar of exotic dreams
Without any loss of face, for
He could easily hide behind
His pretentious self, keeping a smile
Stolen perhaps from the forgotten
Moments of innocent childhood
No, it did not matter to him
If Just a handful accompanied
Him on his last journey
Living abrasively had been taught to him
Loss of innocence had occurred
Just as a shooting star suddenly appears
And then melts in the haze
He had picked up from the way
What was offered
And he was right, and those purer
Around him understood that
A flickering light of purity

Burnt deep inside
In the same corner from where
The infectious smile had come
Perhaps waiting to become a flame
And along with those others few
I too wait with a bated breath
And God looks at me from
Behind the curtain of

My own clouded thoughts
His eyes full of mischief, and I understand
It has been His ploy with me, as always
He wants me to remain hopeful
I am keeping my fingers crossed …
